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Ticker: $TRUMP

Supply: 76,000,000

50% of Supply donated to Trump at launch

We wish Trump all the best. Our Army will survive & grow!

1% tax on Sells, 0% on Buys & Transfers

0.5% for Charity, 0.5% for Adding Liquidity & Marketing

Ticker: $TRUMP

Supply: 76,000,000

50% of Supply donated to Trump at launch

We wish Trump all the best. Our Army will survive & grow!

1% tax on Sells, 0% on Buys & Transfers

0.5% for Charity, 0.5% for Adding Liquidity & Marketing


Phase 1

TRUMP Launch

1000+ Holders. CoinGecko & CoinMarketCap. TRUMP Army Mobilization.

Phase 1

TRUMP Launch

1000+ Holders. CoinGecko & CoinMarketCap. TRUMP Army Mobilization.

Phase 2

Vibe and HODL

2500+ Holders. Community Rewards (Staking, Airdrops & Sweepstakes). Major CEX listings.

Phase 3

TRUMP Takeover

10,000+ Holders. Cross-chain Bridges. Tier 1 CEX listings. One billion MC.

Phase 3

TRUMP Takeover

10,000+ Holders. Cross-chain Bridges. Tier 1 CEX listings. One billion MC.

How to buy TRUMP

Create a MetaMask wallet

Smartphone: download MetaMask from the App store or Google Play store for free.
Desktop (PC or Mac): download the MetaMask extension for your web browser from Metamask.io

Get some ETH

If you don’t have any ETH, you can buy directly on Metamask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

Go to Uniswap

Open Uniswap in your web browser and connect your MetaMask wallet. Paste the $TRUMP token address into Uniswap, select $TRUMP, and confirm. When Metamask prompts you for a wallet signature, SIGN.

Swap ETH for TRUMP

Max out your ETH and click the swap button!
We have ZERO buy taxes so you don’t need to worry about buying with a specific slippage, although you may need to use slippage during times of market volatility.

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Please be advised that TRUMP Army is a cryptocurrency created for entertainment purposes and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Donald J. Trump. While TRUMP Army may reference or incorporate elements related Trump’s persona, image, or likeness, it does not imply any direct endorsement, partnership, or approval by Trump. Any resemblance or association between TRUMP Army and Donald J. Trump is purely coincidental and intended for satirical or humorous purposes.